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3 posts tagged with "Cloud"

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Deploying RabbitMQ to Kubernetes: What's Involved?

· 22 min read

Over time, we have seen the number of Kubernetes-related queries on our community mailing list and Slack channels soar.

In 2024, the answer to most Kubernetes-related question is: use the Kubernetes Operator built by the RabbitMQ Core Team. It incorporates all the best practices and is the strongly recommended option.

This post explains the basics of a DIY deployment of RabbitMQ on Kubernetes: what Kubernetes resources will be necessary, how to make sure RabbitMQ nodes use durable storage, how to approach configuration of sensitive values, and so on.

RabbitMQ on Heroku

· 3 min read
Alexis Richardson

We are very pleased to announce the availability in beta of RabbitMQ as a Heroku add-on. With our RabbitMQ service on CloudFoundry, this extends our commitment to supporting the community of cloud application developers.

We believe that cloud messaging is fundamental in two senses. First as a core capability to build applications that scale to cloud use cases as explained in our blog post launching RabbitMQ on CloudFoundry. And second, because messaging can be extended to solve common problems like integration and data push. For example: to connect traditional on-premise applications with virtualized and cloud deployments.

RabbitMQ + Cloud Foundry: Cloud Messaging that Just Works

· One min read
David Wragg

Today we launched a RabbitMQ service on This service brings the messaging functionality of RabbitMQ to developers building applications on Cloud Foundry. You can read the main announcement over on the Cloud Foundry blog. There's also an FAQ with more details on the Cloud Foundry knowledge base. is a free beta service.  So please register there (if you haven't already), then take a look at the RabbitMQ service, try out the sample apps, and write your own.  And tell us how to make it better.